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There are errors that require your attention




Sandy Hill Business Park,
Sandy Way,
B77 4DU

P: 01827 307 500


Eastwood House,
1st Floor,
Glebe Road,

P: 01245 772 100


Strata House,
Blisworth Business Park,
Stoke Road,

P: 01604 878 880


North Felaw Maltings,
48 Felaw Street,

P: 0333 015 6447


Ground Floor,
Units 1&2,
Magden Park,
CF72 8XT

P: 01443 229 513


308-313 London Road,

P: 01702 553 443

Complaints Procedure

Gallagher Bassett is committed to providing the highest standard of service to all our clients.

In the unlikely event that you are not satisfied with the level of service we have provided, we will endeavour to resolve your complaint as quickly as possible.

If at any time you feel that we have not provided you with a satisfactory explanation you may either contact the manager of the branch/office you normally deal with or alternatively, the Audit & Compliance team at:

Audit & Compliance Department Gallagher Bassett
High Point
Sandy Hill Business Park
Sandy Way
B77 4DU

Or Email:

If you feel you have suffered, or may suffer financial loss, material inconvenience or distress as a result of our provision to you of our claims handling service, your complaint will be referred to the relevant manager who will appoint an appropriate internal complaint investigator.

  1. An internal complaint investigator with the requisite knowledge and experience will investigate your complaint.
  2. The person investigating your complaint will have the authority to respond fully to the complaint.
  3. The response will address all issues identified in your complaint.
  4. Appropriate redress will be offered to you should the complaint be upheld.
  5. If you remain dissatisfied with our final response, or if your complaint is not resolved within 8 weeks, you may refer your complaint to the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). You must do so within six months to be eligible. You can contact the FOS on 0800 0234 567 or 0300 1239123. Further information is available at

Gallagher Bassett is committed to the following procedures and time limits when dealing with a complaint:

  1. We will accept complaints at any time through any method that you choose e.g. phone, letter or email.
  2. Your complaint should be directed to the branch/office that you normally deal with.
  3. Wherever possible complaints will be resolved within 3 business days of receipt of the complaint.
  4. Where it is not possible to resolve the complaint within 3 business days:
    • A written acknowledgement of the complaint, or, if possible, a final response will be sent to you within 5 business days of its receipt. This will provide the name and job title of the person assigned to handle the complaint.
    • Throughout the course of our investigation we will ensure that you are kept fully informed of the progress of your complaint.
    • Within 4 weeks of receiving the complaint we will write to you with either a final response, or advise that it has not yet been possible to resolve the complaint indicating when we will expect to be able to provide a final response.
    • Within 8 weeks of receiving the complaint we will write to you again with a final response, or a response explaining why it has still not been possible to resolve the complaint, give reasons for the delay and indicate when we will expect to be able to provide a final response.