Gallagher Bassett's (GB) adjusters are qualified and strategically located throughout the country to assess business as usual (BAU), material damage, and catastrophe event (CAT) claims. They have overseas and national experience assessing and validating property, contents, stock and plant, and marine claims.
Our property adjusters are experienced in trade qualifications, including Licensed Building Practitioners (LBPs), which enables them to provide detailed building scopes, manage large loss project management, and conduct onsite assessing.
Why partner with GB

We recognise the value and importance of contractor prequalification — that it is in the best interests of our clients and the community — which is why we are proud to be a certified IMPAC PreQual Organisation. The GB experience combines the best people, processes, and latest innovations in technology to deliver superior claims outcomes for both insurer and insured.
Supply chain management services
GB suppliers and contractors undergo a rigorous selection process, which includes comprehensive health and safety pre-qualification, assessment, and induction programmes. Each is individually vetted and approved, ensuring delivery of a customer-centric solution.
GB systems manage the entire claims process, including proactively managing the internal supply chain processes. Automated system key performance indicators (KPIs) track and report on actions to be completed, reducing claim life. Real-time reporting provides claim transparency, ensuring accurate resourcing and control.
BAU operation |
Catastrophe response |
We tailor our services to your requirements. Our property loss adjusting services include:
- Tailored loss adjusting services, including project management
- Award-winning global claims platform, Luminos
- Property and contents claims
- Material damage claims for small to medium enterprises
- Claims management with focus on exceeding client and customer expectations
- Rural assets and building claims
- Marine claims and salvage
- Established and proven national catastrophe response team, including land specialists
- Health and safety site management and compliant supply chain
- GBLive — utilising the latest technology tools to expedite the claims experience by delivering real-time data and analytics to drive data-driven decisions.
Property supply chain
GB systems contain a mapping tool that allows users to view the locality and number of authorised jobs and "make-safes." Adjusters receive real-time information on approved builders and contractors 24/7, ensuring immediate make-safe capability. Jobs can be sorted by filters including:
- Claim reference number
- Regions
- Events
- Loss adjuster allocated to claims
- Allocation types — status of repairs
- Report type — type of repairs, including make-safe or specialist reports.
The Supply Chain Dashboard enables our team to control working groups and view the scope of a job and regional availability. This innovative dashboard contains all relevant information a provider needs to create tender for works, supply make-safe reports, update GB with the progress of repairs, and upload documentation. Additionally, the dashboard can be used as a key tool to manage workflows, view tendering statistics, and better understand how the provider is measuring up against key performance indicators.
Meet our general insurance expert