At Gallagher Bassett we understand the importance of being a socially responsible company. That's why we strive to promote environmental, social and economic benefits to the communities where we live and work. We believe in running our business with integrity and strong values, and are proud of the culture we foster in our workplaces.

Our Global Standards of Business Conduct are a cornerstone to our organisation. These explain our most important legal and compliance obligations, and also describe the shared values that motivate our decision-making and guide our actions every day.

We are all accountable for understanding and following the laws, policies, rules and regulations that affect our jobs and the company. We take into consideration specific local environments and requirements.

By following both the letter and spirit of applicable laws and the Gallagher Way values, we help to protect our clients, our company and build our reputation for integrity.

Whether we are working to help our communities, the environment or striving to always be an ethical company, GB's employees are making a difference around the world.

Special Olympics Partnership

GB are proud partners of the Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) for Special Olympics, raising funds to support participation, engagement, and recognition opportunities for Special Olympics athletes and volunteers.

The mission of the Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) is to raise awareness and funds for the Special Olympics movement, changing the future for people with intellectual disabilities and lighting the way for acceptance and inclusion. LETR began in 1981 in Wichita, Kansas, and has since grown into a worldwide institution that has raised over $900 million for Special Olympics programs. Known as Guardians of the Flame, LETR participants carry the "Flame of Hope" into Opening Ceremonies of local competitions. They also carry it into Special Olympics State, Provincial, National, Regional, and World Games and hold fundraising activities year-round, with over 110,000 participants worldwide.

Through this partnership, GB support international, Regional, and local Programs for the Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) for Special Olympics, which include the 2022 USA Games LETR Final Leg, the 2022 LETR International Conference and the 2023 LETR International Conference.

Gentle Bear, GB's symbol of caring, compassion and charity will also support Torch Run activities to further support the global movement of Special Olympics and help promote inclusion, equality, and acceptance.

Special Olympics Quote:

"We are grateful to have Gallagher's support and thrilled to amplify our Law Enforcement Torch Run® (LETR) events with Gallagher Bassett," said Mary Davis, CEO of Special Olympics International. "We are proud of our shared values which champion acceptance and inclusion and provide opportunities to demonstrate courage for athletes with intellectual disabilities in communities around the world. We look forward to having Gallagher Bassett walk with us to raise awareness around this exciting initiative."

Gentle Bear

Gentle Bear is GB's symbol for acts of caring, compassion and charity. He is not your typical teddy bear. He is an adventurer, explorer and a fearless partner on any new journey. On the outside, Gentle Bear might just look cute, but deep down he has a greater purpose. He represents all that GB stands for. Gentle Bear is a symbol of caring and comfort during times of loss and trauma. As claims professionals, we encounter people at the most vulnerable times in their lives. Our mission is to compassionately guide them through this process and guard what is most important to them. By doing so, we help get them back to a normal, secure life.

Gentle Bear came to existence through collaboration between GB and a valued client to find a way to help the client's employees, while also giving back to the community. GB was doing work for the South Australia Police Department and exploring ways to minimise Post Traumatic Stress. GB's SA General Manager, Paul Easter (an ex-police officer himself), proposed the idea of sponsoring teddy bears that could be carried in police and other emergency vehicles and handed out to young children involved in events such as serious road traffic accidents and domestic violence. The teddy bear serves as an emotional aid to distract a child's attention from the immediate, distressing situation by providing a recognisable, reassuring and safe object to latch on to.

Since his introduction, more than 2,000 GB Gentle Bears have been handed out in Australia. The SA Police still use the bear, and other state police services, such as Victoria and NT Police, have joined the program. In fact, Gentle Bear is just about to start his first international assignment with the New Zealand Police.

Gentle Bear first appeared in police vehicles, but he has been used in other emergency vehicles as well. For example, in recent bush fires in Australia, Gentle Bear was donated to the State Emergency Services to again act as a trauma teddy for young children.