Welcome to the GBCARE Platinum MPN site, which is now available for clients to view and download the MPN Employee Notification Documents.

GBCARE Platinum MPN Employer Implementation Steps:

For all new MPN implementations and when changing to the GBCARE Platinum MPN, the only MPN notification requirement for employers is to give the injured workers the MPN Employee Notification Document when the injury is reported or at the time of injury.

Existing Claims: The Gallagher Bassett Branch will send the MPN Employee Notification Document to the injured worker(s) when changing to and transferring open claims to the GBCARE Platinum MPN.  

The MPN regulations are silent about Employee Acknowledgement Letters. As an employer, you have the right to use acknowledgement letters for your employees to sign when you give your employee the MPN Employee Notification Document.

Contact your Gallagher Bassett Services (GB) Account Manager when implementing the MPN. Your Account Manager must also complete his/her own MPN “checklist” for these system set ups, so it is important to keep your Account Manager informed.

Please send all questions to your GB Account Manager.

To Lookup or View Providers in the GBCARE Platinum MPN:

Please click on this text to view MPN providers www.talispoint.com/cvty/gbmpn .

If you would like additional CA MPN information and/or regarding programs and services offered by Gallagher Bassett Services, please contact your GB Account Manager.