This web page contains information on California's laws and regulations concerning identification of the primary treating physician including the circumstances where an employee may pre designate a personal physician or give notice of a personal chiropractor or acupuncturist as well as information about notices that must be provided to employees about workers’ compensation benefits.

If you have any questions about whether you can predesignate a personal physician, you can ask your employer or an information and assistance officer of the Division of Workers’ Compensation. For recorded information and a list of information and assistance offices, call (800) 736-7401.

To access and view the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR), Division of Workers Compensation (DWC), Subchapter 1. Administrative Director -Administrative Rules, Article 5. Predesignation of Personal Physician; Request for Change of Physician; Reporting Duties of the Primary Treating Physician; Petition for Change of Primary Treating Physician - §9780.1. Employee's Predesignation of Personal Physician, please click on this URL link -

To access, view and download the Predesignation of Personal Physician Form, please click on this URL Link -

If you have questions about whether you can predesignate a personal physician, you can ask your employer or an information and assistance officer of the Division of Workers’ Compensation. For recorded information and a list of information and assistance offices, call (800) 736-7401.