When you are receiving benefits under workers' compensation, such as medical and like expenses and/or weekly payments, you will be required to attend Independent Medical Examinations from time to time.

These assessments are conducted by Independent Doctors appointed by WorkSafe with different specialties such as Psychiatry, Surgeons or Occupational Physicians. The assessment will take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes and the Doctors will ask you a variety of questions about your injury, your work history and personal history. Depending on the type of injury, the Doctor may perform a physical examination, so it is best to wear comfortable clothing.

The doctors will summarise this information into a report and answer a set of questions which vary depending on the purpose of the examination. These questions are commonly about your capacity to work (not just in your pre-injury employment but for any type of employment that you could do after your injury), your treatment and if your injury is still related to your employment. When you go along to the appointment, take along any relevant information you may have in regards to your injury such as scans, reports or x-rays.

The Independent Medical Examiner will then submit a report to GB around 10 days after the examination. Once the report has been received and reviewed, you Case Manager will contact you to discuss the report and any changes to your entitlements that may result from the report. You can also request a copy of the report to be sent to you and/or your treating Doctors.

For further information about Independent Medical Examinations, please see the WorkSafe website.