Did you know that in certain circumstances GB can reimburse you for expenses associated with attending medical and hospital appointments for your accepted work related injury or illness?

This can include:

  • Private motor vehicle/public transport expenses
  • Taxi travel
  • Meal and accommodation expenses, and
  • Air travel

To claim for reimbursement complete the Travel Expense Claim Form and submit it to your Case Manager. If you can't find your Case Manager's details you can submit it to our Payments Team.

Below we've outlined the different types of travel expenses you may be eligible to have reimbursed.

Private motor vehicle/public transport expenses

If you are required to attend a medical or hospital appointment, Independent Medical Examination or Medical Panel Review as part of your accepted claim and use your own vehicle to attend, you may seek reimbursement of the distance travelled in kilometres to that appointment. You may also claim reimbursement for parking & toll fees associated with those appointments. If you use Public Transport in lieu of your own vehicle, you may seek reimbursement of the cost of the use of the transport.

Claims for reimbursement must be submitted in writing with the following information:

  • Address of departure & arrival location
  • Name of provider attending
  • Date & Time of travel
  • Total km's traveled per trip (Private motor vehicle use only, reimbursed at 30c per km)
  • Copies of relevant parking/toll receipts. (Please note, if the cost of the parking is less than $15, a copy of the receipt is not required).
  • Cost of the ticket — Bus, Tram or Train travel. (A copy of the ticket is not required).

Taxi travel

If you are unable to attend a medical or hospital appointment, Independent Medical Examination or Medical Panel Review by private vehicle or public transport, GB may be able to approve and reimburse you for the cost of taxi travel. In order to approve such a request, GB would require justification in writing from your GP outlining the reasons why you are unable to travel by your own vehicle or public transport.

Claims for reimbursement of taxi expenses must be submitted in writing along with a fully detailed receipt from the taxi.

Meal and accommodation expenses

If you are required to attend an Independent Medical Examination or Medical Panel Review, in some instances GB can reimburse you for the cost of meal and accommodation expenses associated with that attendance.

  • Meal Expenses — Can be reimbursed to you where the distance from your home to the appointment is more than 100km away and the appointment results in you being away from home at meal times
  • Accommodation Expenses — Can be reimbursed to you where information has been received from your treating Dr that shows that due to your work-related injury or illness, you are unable to attend your appointment and return home on the same day.

Claims for reimbursement for both Meal and Accommodation Expenses, must be submitted with the copies of the relevant receipts for each.

Full details of reimbursement rates can be obtained from WorkSafe's website.

Air travel

If you are required to attend an Independent Medical Exam or Medical Panel review and the use of a private motor vehicle, public transport or taxi is not practicable, GB may be able to reimburse you for the cost of air travel.

Prior approval is required, so you must ensure that you discuss this option with your Case Manager before making any arrangements.

To claim reimbursement of Air Travel, your must submit the following:

  • Copy of receipt from the airline
  • Details of the attendance — name of provider/hospital, date, appointment time
  • Copy of approval from GB.

What GB cannot pay for

Whilst GB can reimburse you for the above expenses, there are certain expenses that you cannot be reimbursed for. These are as follows:

  • Travel for non work-related injury or illness purposes
  • Expenses (including meals/accommodation) related to anyone other than the injured worker — ie: spouse, partner, child
  • Meals/Accommodation expenses not associated with an Independent Medical Examination or Medical Panel Review
  • Incidental Expenses for accommodation, such as mini-bar, laundry, television hire, telephone charges and alcohol
  • Motor Vehicle Hire and expenses associated to that hire
  • Fuel
  • Traffic, Public Transport or Parking Fines
  • Weekly, Monthly or Annual Tickets (Public Transport)
  • Commercial passenger transportation services provided by drivers who do not possess appropriate accreditation with the Victoria Taxi Services Commission
  • Taxi waiting time
  • Chaffeur Driven Limousines
  • Charges above the standard prices for air travel.