How can we help? Our team is here to answer any questions you may have about our products or services. Please fill out the form below and we will be in touch shortly.

Workers' Compensation Claim Inquiry

If you have questions about filing a workers' compensation claim or are seeking more information about an existing claim, please connect with us via our Workers' Compensation Claims Inquiry page.

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Level 15
144 Edward Street
Brisbane QLD 4000

P: +61 7 3005 1900
F: +61 7 3005 1999
GPO Box 14
Brisbane, QLD 4001


20 Bond Street
NSW, 2000

P: +61 2 94647111
F: +61 2 9464 7400
Locked Bag 912
North Sydney
NSW 2059


Level 12
115 Grenfell Street
Adelaide, SA 5000

P: +61 8 8177 8450
F: +61 8 8177 8451
GPO Box 1772
Adelaide, SA 5000


Level 2
333 Collins Street
VIC 3000

P: +61 3 9297 9000
F: +61 3 8623 9701
Locked Bag 3570
GPO Melbourne, VIC 3000


Level 3
66 Smith Street
NT 0800

P: +1800 931 035

New Zealand

P: +64 967 8200
F: +64 967 8201
PO Box 91049
Auckland, NZ 1142